But if you’re on Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 and like the idea of getting very good free malware protection without lifting a finger, then just stick with Windows Defender. If you’re still using Windows 7, then you need to use third-party antivirus software. Is Windows Defender on Windows 8.1 any good? How To Install Avast Free Antivirus On Windows 8 (2022)

How do I install antivirus on my Windows 8.1 laptop? Therefore for better online security, you need a third-party antivirus to keep you safe from viruses, ransomware, and other malware. If you have any doubts related to this, let us know in the comment box below.Windows 8.1 does have built-in security software, however, it is widely accepted that this built-in security is not enough.

I hope this article helped you! Please share it with your friends also. We have also shared a working method to activate the operating system. So, this article is all about how to download Windows 8.1 full version for free. To use KMSPico, check out our article – Activate Windows & MS Office Without Product Key. If it still asks for the activation key, then you need to run KMSPico. You can now use the installation media to load Windows 8.1 on a computer or laptop. Once done, the bootable USB or DVD will be ready. If you have selected the ‘ISO’ file, then you need to use an ISO burner to burn the downloaded ISO file into a DVD. If you have selected the ‘USB’ under the installation media type, then you don’t need to do anything. Once done, you need to wait until the Media Creation Tool downloads the Windows 8.1 ISO file. If you want to create a bootable USB DVD, select the ISO file. In the next step, select the ‘USB Flash Drive’. Make sure to select ‘Windows 8.1’ on the Edition.

Select the Language, Edition, and Architecture.